Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ideas for Innovation

It is basically means that the new introduction of new things, ideas or ways of doing sth.
It can be change, develop or improve.

On this article, It mentioned about educational leadership, specially in school.
When i finished
read this article, I strongly agreed with this article. Because, academic learning and strength social capital must develop by parents and school. Students has a rights to have good education.

One fact I really like was part 4, which talks about civics education.
creating civic skills, imparting civic knowledge and developing civic values, I think these facts are really important for high school students. People might says that high school education is most important than any other school times. Because, high school education influence the real society life.

But, I disagree on the fact of small school. Because, It's hard to say that small school is always be successful or good for education. It depends on teacher and student like how much efforts put on there responsibilities. As a fact, big school kids are going to good universities.
Because, they have their own skill and good university knows which schools are good.
even though, some writer or professor says big schools are bad, it's hard to break traditional or real facts.

1 comment:

David Carpenter said...

How to get students learning more about civics and involved in the community before high school?