Sunday, February 15, 2009

Reaction to Friedman's article

Since industrial revolution had been, We start using a lot of sources for making new products and innovate new stuff for our life become more intelligent. But the cause of innovating new is not always good. Look at our nature, It's polluted by us, and we are going into lack of resources.

On this article, It mentioned about carbon footprint.
Carbon footprint is not just about polluted something by chemicals or using resources. Carbon footprint is basically caused directly or indirectly by an individual, organization, event or new product to make it. It's all from our daily life and school.

HIS designed by 1 to 1 laptop systems for educate. Which means, All of students are using their laptop during class and break time. On this moment, does anyone think about the cause of using about 13 people's are using laptop in same class? While we are using laptop, fan is running to make sure cooling down each laptops, which makes heat out and students who don't have enough battery, they are using charger to charge it, it needs a lot of electricity too.
In order to fix this problem, I think we must try to use our laptop less or use a notebook with pen instead of use electronic devices.

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