Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Teaching Civic Responsibility

Teaching Civic Responsibility

The area of teaching is wide. It is really hard to say that which is good or bad teaching and education. The article that we read in class was a great tool that we might have to know as knowledge. They gave us several different ideas with break into few different chapters. While I read this article, I found some great point that I agree myself, which I’ll going to write it by words.

I found an interest quote from first chapter, which is "The personally responsible citizen acts responsibly...” I strongly agree with this statement. Because, just like what they give us an examples, giving blood, recycling, volunteering etc. those are basic stuff that we must have for our own responsibility. Plus, I had experience of these facts. When I did that first time, I hated do that, because, I felt wasting time. But, since I did second time, third time and more, I finally realize myself that these things are really good things that we must have to do. As soon as we have done with responsible to citizen or our society, we will learn how does human have to live with others etc.

Secondly, there was an quote about economy issue called "When the economy’s bad and....." It reminds me to looking back our first semester of Global Ethics class.
We spend whole first semester to focus on facts corporation. Corporations are not always making good business; they give us some bad facts like pollution, losing a job, politics, economy etc. I think, it still hasn’t solved some problems yet or we can’t solve it those problems, but I believe that we can change it into better. If there are some problems around us, it means we can make it better and work.

Lastly, I wanted ask my self this question from reading. "What does this mean for teaching democracy.....?" Reason why I choose this question is because; what I am thinking of teaching democracy is not only freedom, it also teach us either how to develop our self better or for society. If you don't know about personal democracy, it won't help to understand whoever says about democracy. In our school's education system is totally different than any other schools in the world. We choose computer education systems instead of text book and we spend a lot of time to do some community service too, which means our education changes into more relate with our civilization.

When I finished this article, I found some connections with our school’s education system and some social issues from article. But, I realize that teacher and student have to develop their education systems better.


Amy said...

To make our education system better, I think everyone should get to know each other better. Last year in ASGs, everyone used to sit in a circle, but now, some of the seniors aren't even here! = = We need more time in school to bond!! Also, taking away the after school time from us doesn't help either!

Dennis said...

Really good connection, Jim. I think our school really needs to learn those. Teachers and students can learn together as well. It is hard to talk about all of these being good citizen when we do not even have the community service program anymore. People need to communitcate together in order to make things better. Overall, I like your post!

Tyler said...

Hey Jim, good post. I can see you really thought about the article. You mentioned that we are doing a lot of community service at our school, which is good. Are we really though? I mean, we did community service for a few weeks but that's it. An effective community service program would be a lot better. We could teach kids at HIS the importance of giving back to the community. That way, they can help, not because they want the community service hours, but because they really want to be good citizens. Do you think we need a good combination of the three citizens or do you think that one is more important than the other?

Mr. U.g.n.e. said...

Is lap top education the key? I doubt it man. We didn't have lap tops just about two years ago and to be honest, a lot of things were actually better.

Mr. U.g.n.e. said...

Is lap top education the key? I doubt it man. We didn't have lap tops just about two years ago and to be honest, a lot of things were actually better.