Monday, April 21, 2008

Dr. Hownikker

This story is created by me.

Dr. Hownikker who won the Nobel Prize in physics and also called father of atomic bomb went to beach for having fun. He went beach with his family. They spend great time and made good memories.

But, While they having a trip, they had one episode. When Dr. Hownikker having fun in the sea, he suddenly smell something with sea and he said "Humm, This will be new chemical for new atomic bomb." a few minutes ago, he ran out to his room and he back to sea with all the material for his new project.

As times go, He spent 3 years at the same place. Everyone was shock at his new project. Because, he finally success on his new atomic bomb. But, it wasn't look like a bomb. Because, the way he design is too childish. He drew all the poketmon on his bomb. So, when it is fly, it look all the poketmon fly.

His new bomb is so famous in the world right now and he became one of the world richest people.

1 comment:

David Carpenter said...

Interesting setting to go over a place for relaxation and families and to take from it the ideas for destruction. That fits Dr. H's character.